Before performing different types of intervention, such as the installation of insulators or coatings, it is important to evaluate the humidity level of the structures to avoid potential future problems arising that may be expensive and difficult to solve.
The presence of humidity adversely affects the sanitation level of the environments, and favours the proliferation of mould and bacteria. The humidity in the walls also reduces the insulating capacity of the building envelope with consequent additional energy costs.
Solutions for restoring an environment from the effects of humidity
Prior to every intervention, we evaluate the sanitation level of the rooms and the presence of humidity in the walls which, combined with the action of soluble salts, could cause the deterioration of the coatings, as well as favouring the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.
We use the PRIMAT MUR-TRONIC® system to solve the problem of capillary rise. PRIMAT MUR-TRONIC® is a completely non-invasive system capable of interrupting the flow of the ascent by naturally acting on the Earth's magnetic field. Present in Italy for more than 30 years, it boasts numerous references to buildings of particular value, many of which are UNESCO heritage sites.
The monitoring of the installed systems and the excellent results obtained in terms of durability allow us to declare that the PRIMAT MUR-TRONIC® system is currently the most reliable solution, and capable of offering the greatest guarantee of effectiveness in solving the phenomena of humidity due to capillary rise.
In addition to issues of capillary rise, we are able to identify and solve other causes of humidity such as condensation, which are related to the presence of thermal bridges, and insufficient ventilation of the internal environments.
Particular attention is paid to the presence of soluble salts which, when crystallizing, can lead to the decay of the plasters and finishes.